Globus Connect Server Collection
A collection consists of metadata about the collection, a DNS domain for accessing data on the collection, and configuration on the Data Transfer Nodes to access the collection data. Globus Connect Server version 5 supports two types of collections: mapped and guest.
Version 1.1.0 adds support for enabling or disabling https access for individual collections, as well as the ability for collection administrators to add an optional message and web link to be shown on the Globus Web App when users visit the collection.
Version 1.2.0 adds the ability to enable or disable sharing by specific users.
Version 1.3.0 add support for custom DNS domains on collections.
Version 1.4.0 allows optional multi-factor authentication requirements to high assurance collections and the ability to require checksums when transferring data on this collection.
Version 1.5.0 allows administrators to disable permissions that would allow anonymous users to have write access to an endpoint.
Version 1.6.0 allows administrators of mapped collections to associate policies that users accessing guest collections must meet beyond the guest collection permissions.
Version 1.7.0 increases the maximum allowed length of the user_message property.
Version 1.8.0 adds the delete_protected property. While it is set to true on a mapped collection, the collection may not be deleted. As of GCS 5.4.69, this is true by default.
Version 1.9.0 adds the read-only last_access and created_at properties.
Version 1.10.0 adds the acl_expiration_mins property to HA mapped collections.
Version 1.11.0 adds the acl_expiration_mins property to HA guest collection.
Version 1.12.0 adds the restrict_transfers_to_high_assurance property to HA collections.
Version 1.13.0 adds the auto_delete_timeout property to mapped collections and the skip_auto_delete property to guest collections.
Mapped Collections
Currently, mapped collections can be created using the globus-connect-server collection create command line tool.
Guest Collections
Currently, guest collections can be created using the Globus Web App, the GCS Manager API or the Globus CLI’s globus collection create guest command. For most users, it’s easiest to visit the mapped collection on the web, click on the Shares tab and then the Create New Shared Collection button.
Data Access
Both mapped and guest collections can be accessed using the Globus transfer service or (if the endpoint is managed), via HTTPS on the Data Transfer nodes. In either case, access to a collection is authenticated with Globus Auth-issued access tokens, with data access policies defined in the storage gateway and collection.
- globus-connect-server collection create
Create a new collection.
- globus-connect-server collection delete
Delete a collection.
- globus-connect-server collection batch-delete
Delete multiple guest collections. (new in v5.4.60)
- globus-connect-server collection list
List collections.
- globus-connect-server collection show
Show information about a collection.
- globus-connect-server collection set-owner
Set the owner of a mapped collection (new in v5.4.71)
- globus-connect-server collection set-owner-string
Set the advertised owner of a collection (new in v5.4.43)
- globus-connect-server collection reset-owner-string
Reset the advertised owner of a collection (new in v5.4.43)
- globus-connect-server collection update
Update information about a collection.
- globus-connect-server collection domain
Manage the domain name and certificate for a collection (new in v5.4.13)
- globus-connect-server collection role
Manage the roles for a collection
- globus-connect-server collection check
Check collections for consistency (new in v5.4.80)