Globus Connect Personal Troubleshooting Guide
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Troubleshooting Install Issues
- 3. Troubleshooting Problems Accessing a File, Directory, or Removable Drive
- 4. Troubleshooting Firewall Issues
- Appendix A: Obtaining Debug Logs
- Appendix B: Generating a GCP Setup Key
1. Introduction
This document will discuss methods to troubleshoot common issues for Globus Connect Personal (GCP) based endpoints. We’ll use the term workstation in this doc to refer to any laptop, desktop, or server hosting a GCP endpoint.
2. Troubleshooting Install Issues
It’s most common to encounter install errors with the Globus Connect Personal software if the prerequisites for its installation and use are not met.
2.1. Troubleshooting Permissions or Access Issues during the Install
It’s necessary for the local user account you’re using to install the Globus Connect Personal software on your workstation to have read and write access to the location to which you wish to install the software, and that location must be properly accessible to the Globus software.
2.1.1. Common Problems
Attempts to install the Globus Connect Personal software to a location to which your account doesn’t have the needed permissions, or which is otherwise not accessible, will produce errors informing you that you don’t have the needed permissions or level of access.
Installing GCP Fails Producing a "Error opening file for writing" Error

If you encounter a permissions issue when attempting to install the Globus Connect Personal software, then you may see an error something like the above. This error is telling us that you don’t have the needed permissions to be able to install the Globus Connect Personal software to the location mentioned in the error.
Troubleshooting Steps
If you don’t have the needed permissions to install the Globus Connect Personal software to the default location ("C:\Program Files" for Windows, your home directory for Linux, "/Applications" for Macs) then you’ll want to install the software to a different location for which your user account has permissions. If you need assistance in finding such a location on your system, you’ll want to reach out to your local IT staff.
Installing GCP Fails Producing a "Your user profile is on a network share" Error
If you have a home directory on a network share, you may see an error message of the form:
"Your user profile is on a network share, at location "<path>". To use Globus Connect Personal, you must map this location to a local drive. Please contact for more information."
This issue arises when your home directory is stored on a server, and "<path>" takes the form of "\\\share\Users\ExampleUsername".
Troubleshooting Steps
To resolve this problem, you must use Windows' capability to create a shortcut to a network share, or "Map" it to a drive letter. Microsoft provides official documentation for this here. Follow these instructions to assign a drive letter of your choosing to the network share containing your home directory, and then restart Globus Connect Personal. If you encounter difficulty with mapping the drive to a drive letter, you’ll want to reach out to your local IT staff for additional assistance.
GCP Login Process Halts Producing a "Browser login did not complete" Message
If you have anti-virus or local security policies which prevent GCP from launching your default browser you may encounter an error message similar to the below:
"Browser login did not complete. Failed to open Default Browser."
This issue arises when GCP is unable to launch your default browser to complete the GCP Login process.
Troubleshooting Steps
You can work around this issue and complete your Endpoint setup process by using a GCP Setup key. By leveraging a GCP Setup Key, you will be able to associate your GCP Endpoint with your Globus Identity without relying on the browser login process.
2.2. Troubleshooting Network Issues during the Install
The Globus Connect Personal software must be able to talk to the Globus service during the install process, as well as during normal endpoint operation.
2.2.1. Common Problems
If the Globus Connect Personal software is unable to communicate with the Globus service during the install process, you’ll see errors warning you of this.
Installing GCP Fails Producing a "relaytool setup failed", "Could not complete collection registration", or "Connection timed out" Error

This issue is covered in this doc below.
3. Troubleshooting Problems Accessing a File, Directory, or Removable Drive
In order to be able to access a particular file, directory, or removable drive on your personal endpoint you’ll need to configure your endpoint to allow access to that path and your local user account on your workstation will need to have permissions to access that path.
3.1. Troubleshooting Endpoint Access Configuration
If you’re getting errors when attempting to access a particular path on your personal endpoint, you’ll want to ensure that your endpoint is configured to permit access to that path.
3.1.1. Common Problems
If your endpoint is not configured to allow access to a particular path then you’ll find that you cannot browse to that path and that attempts to directly access that path will produce 'Path not allowed' errors.
You Are Unable to Find a Specific Path or Removable Drive (/mnt/files, H:\MyUSBDrive, etc.) When Browsing Your Personal Endpoint
This sort of behavior is commonly caused by the Accessible Folders setting on the personal endpoint not permitting the path in question.
You Get 'Path not allowed' Errors When Attempting to Directly Access a Particular Path on Your Personal Endpoint
Denied by endpoint, Command Failed: Error (list)
Server: Globus Connect
Command: MLST /some/path/
Message: Fatal FTP Response
Details: 500 Command failed : Path not allowed.
This sort of error is commonly caused by the Accessible Folders setting on the personal endpoint not permitting the path in question.
3.1.2. Troubleshooting Steps
You’ll want to check your personal endpoint’s Accessible Directories / Accessible Folders configuration to ensure that the path you’re attempting to access is permitted. By default, your personal endpoint will only be configured to permit access to a small portion of your workstation’s file system. We discuss how to change your endpoint’s Accessible Directories setting in our install doc for Globus Connect Personal for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
3.2. Troubleshooting Local User Permissions
If you’re getting errors when attempting to access a particular path on your personal endpoint, you’ll want to ensure that your local user account has the needed rights to be able to access to that path.
3.2.1. Common Problems
If your local user account doesn’t have the needed permissions to be able to access a particular file or directory, then you’ll get 'Permission Denied' errors when attempting to access that path. You’ll generally see these errors when attempting to browse your endpoint or when you check the Activity page for your job.
Example Error Attempting to Access a Directory Your Local User Account Doesn’t Have Rights to Access
Denied by endpoint, Command Failed: Error (list)
Server: Globus Connect
Command: MLSC /some/path/
Message: Fatal FTP Response
Details: 550-GlobusError: v=1 c=PERMISSION_DENIED
550-GridFTP-Errno: 13
550-GridFTP-Reason: System error in scandir
550-GridFTP-Error-String: Permission denied
550 End.
Example Error Attempting to Write a File to a Location Your Local User Account Doesn’t Have Rights to Access
Error (transfer)
Server: Globus Connect
File: /some/path/file.txt
Command: STOR /some/path/file.txt
Message: Fatal FTP response
Details: 500-GlobusError: v=1 c=INTERNAL_ERROR\r\n500-GridFTP-Error:
globus_xio_register_open\r\n500-globus_xio: Unable to open file /some/path/file.txt
\r\n500-globus_xio: System error in open: Permission denied
\r\n500-globus_xio: A system call failed: Permission denied\r\n500 End.\r\n
Example Error Attempting to Read a File from a Location Your Local User Account Doesn’t Have Rights to Access
Error (transfer)
Server: Globus Connect
File: /some/path/file.txt
Command: RETR /some/path/file.txt
Message: Fatal FTP response
Details: 500-GlobusError: v=1 c=INTERNAL_ERROR\r\n500-GridFTP-Error:
globus_xio_register_open\r\n500-globus_xio: Unable to open file /some/path/file.txt
\r\n500-globus_xio: System error in open: Permission denied
\r\n500-globus_xio: A system call failed: Permission denied\r\n500 End.\r\n
3.2.2. Troubleshooting Steps
You’ll want to ensure that your local user account has the ability to access the file or directory you see mentioned in the Globus error message that made you aware of the problem.
If you’re getting an error trying to read a particular file, then try to open the file locally or locally copy it to another location on your system to test access. Be sure that you use the same local user to do this test as you used to run the Globus Connect Personal software. If you’re unable to successfully read the file locally, then you won’t be able to read the file via the Globus software either.
If you’re getting an error writing to a particular directory, then attempt to locally copy a file into that directory to test access. Be sure that you use the same local user to do this test as you used to run the Globus Connect Personal software. If you’re unable to successfully copy files to that directory locally, then you won’t be able to transfers files into that directory via the Globus software either.
If you’re getting an error when attempting to browse a particular directory, then attempt to browse that directory locally to test access. Be sure that you use the same local user to do this test as you used to run the Globus Connect Personal software. If you’re unable to successfully browse that directory locally, then you won’t be able to browse that directory via the Globus software either.
If you find that your local user account doesn’t have the needed permissions to access the file or directory of interest, you’ll need to arrange for your local user account to be granted those permissions. If you’re unsure of how to do this, or if your workstation is managed by your organization, you’ll want to reach out to your local IT staff for further assistance.
4. Troubleshooting Firewall Issues
For a Globus file transfer to work, a number of network connections must be able to be established. Thus, one of the most common issue is with campus or other firewalls that prevent these connections from being established. The most common issues of this nature can be divided into these categories:
Connections between your workstation and the Globus services
Connections between your workstation and other Globus endpoint(s)
4.1. Troubleshooting Issues Connecting to the Globus Services
If the Globus Connect Personal software is not able to connect to the Globus service, then it cannot work correctly.
4.1.1. Common Problems
You will most likely become aware of problems connecting to the Globus service when first setting your endpoint up or after changes have been made to your network - including moving your workstation to a different network.
Installing GCP Fails Producing a "relaytool setup failed", "Could not complete collection registration", or "Connection timed out" Error

The actual text of the error may vary somewhat from the sample image above. These sort of errors indicate that the workstation where you are attempting to install the Globus Connect Personal Software cannot connect to the Globus service.
You can work around this issue and complete your Endpoint setup process by creating a GCP Setup key; however, without the network block which is preventing access to [ (IPv4) and 2600:1f28:14:4::/62 (IPv6)] being addressed by your Networking team, you will not be able to initiate transfers without moving your machine to a different network (eg. from a home/other network without the network restriction in place).
The Globus Connect Personal Software Shows a 'Not Connected' Message
If GCP is unable to connect to the Globus service, then the Globus icon (circle with a 'g' in it) in your system tray or menu bar will appear grayed out and will have an exclamation point in it:

Clicking on the Globus icon will then show you a brief description of what is wrong:

If you see the 'Not Connected' error after clicking on the Globus icon, then the GCP software is not able to connect to the Globus service.
4.1.2. Troubleshooting Steps
If you suspect that you’re having problems connecting to the Globus service from your workstation, there are a couple of steps you can take to attempt to troubleshoot the issue further.
Test Your Internet Connection
You’ll first want to verify that your workstation has a functional Internet connection. You can do this by simply opening your web browser and navigating to the Globus website at the URL below:
If you’re not able to browse to the Globus website on the system where your endpoint is located, then you’ll need to work with your organization’s IT staff or your ISP to resolve your Internet connectivity issues before you’ll be able to use the GCP software or access your endpoint.
Test Connectivity to the Globus Service
If your issue persists even after verifying that you have a functional Internet connection, you’ll next want to test connectivity to the host from your system.
The GCP software must be able to connect to port 2223 on the server in order to be able to function. A simple way to test if such connections can be made is to use the 'telnet' command to attempt to make such a connection like so:
telnet 2223
If attempting to run the 'telnet' command produces something like a 'command not found' error, then you don’t have telnet installed on your system and will need to install it to perform the test.
If the connection is successful, you should see output like this:
Connected to
Escape character is \'^]'.
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.9p1-hpn13v11 GSI_GSSAPI_GPT_5.4 GSI
If the command produces different output than the above, then the connection attempt was not successful. In such a case, we have some basic Troubleshooting Steps that you’ll want to try next.
4.2. Troubleshooting Issues Connecting to Other Endpoints
All GCP endpoints must be able to connect to other endpoints via Data channel connections. During a transfer data is moved between endpoints using Data Channel connections. If there are problems establishing these Data Channel connections between endpoints, then transfers will not work correctly.
4.2.1. Common Problems
You will most likely become aware of Data Channel issues with your endpoint after you notice that transfers to or from your endpoint appear to fail. For transfers that have failed, you can look for errors in the transfer log like so:
Go to the Activity page on the Globus Web App
Find the failed job
Click the "Event Log" tab
Find the "fault events"
We’ll discuss some of the more common errors you might find below.
Example Data Channel Error A - No route to host
Error (transfer)
Server: Globus Connect
Command: VARIES
Message: Fatal FTP response
Details: 500-Command failed. : globus_xio: The GSI XIO driver failed to
establish a connection via the underlying protocol.\r\n500-globus_xio:
Unable to connect to
\r\n500-globus_xio: System error
in connect: No route to host
\r\n500-globus_xio: A system call failed:
No route to host
\r\n500 End.\r\n
Example Data Channel Error B - Connection timed out
Error (transfer)
Server: Globus Connect
Command: VARIES
Message: Fatal FTP response
Details: 500-Command failed. : globus_xio: The GSI XIO driver failed to
establish a connection via the underlying protocol.\r\n500-globus_xio:
Unable to connect to
\r\n500-globus_xio: System error
in connect: Connection timed out
\r\n500-globus_xio: A system call failed:
Connection timed out
\r\n500 End.\r\n
Example Data Channel Error C - Connection refused
Error (transfer)
Server: Globus Connect
Command: VARIES
Message: Fatal FTP response
Details: 500-Command failed. : globus_xio: The GSI XIO driver failed to
establish a connection via the underlying protocol.\r\n500-globus_xio:
Unable to connect to
\r\n500-globus_xio: System error
in connect: Connection refused
\r\n500-globus_xio: A system call failed:
Connection refused
\r\n500 End.\r\n
All of the above are examples of fault messages you might see if there is a firewall or other networking issue preventing data channel connections from your personal endpoint to a remote endpoint. You’ll notice that these faults are generated by your personal endpoint. You’ll also notice in all cases that the error message contains Unable to connect to IP_ADDRESS:PORT
. This is telling us that the personal endpoint is not able to establish a data channel connection to the remote endpoint at that particular IP and port. The IP address and ports given in the example errors above are just samples for illustration purposes.
Example Data Channel Error D - Could not verify credential
Error (transfer)
Server: Globus Connect
Command: VARIES
Message: Data channel authentication failed
Details: 500-Command failed. : an authentication operation failed
\r\n500-globus_xio_gsi: gss_init_sec_context failed.\r\n500-GSS
failure: \r\n500-GSS Major Status: Authentication Failed\r\n
500-GSS Minor Status Error Chain:\r\n500-globus_gsi_gssapi: SSL
handshake problems\r\n500-OpenSSL Error: ssl/statem/statem_clnt.c:1914:
in library: SSL routines, function tls_process_server_certificate:
certificate verify failed\r\n500-globus_gsi_callback_module:
Could not verify credential
Can't get the local trusted CA certificate: Untrusted self-signed certificate in chain
with hash d4c3b2a1\r\n500-\r\n500 End.\r\n
This sort of error tells us that the endpoint doesn’t trust the cert being offered for the data channel connection. This generally only happens if there is something interfering with the establishment of the data channel session between the two endpoints involved in the transfer. Data channel traffic looks similar to https traffic in some ways, so firewall or network policy designed to limit or monitor such traffic can interfere with the establishment of data channel sessions between endpoints. We sometimes see these sorts of errors for endpoints located behind https intercept proxies or similar devices. Globus data channel traffic cannot be proxied in this way, so sites that do operate with policy designed to intercept https/ssl traffic will need to configure exceptions for Globus data channel traffic for endpoints operating on their network.
4.2.2. Troubleshooting Steps
If you are seeing errors such as this for your job, you’ll want to take steps to understand the scope of the issue so as to best determine where the actual problem is. We offer a set of Troubleshooting Steps in this doc to help you do this.
4.3. Troubleshooting ICE Negotiation Issues
ICE Negotiation issues are a special category of error that can occur when attempting to transfer data between 2 Globus Connect Personal endpoints when at least one of those endpoints is located on a network that doesn’t support the needed STUN and ICE protocols.
4.3.1. Description and Explanation
If transfers with your personal endpoint produce errors such as "Details: 500 globus_xio: ICE negotiation failed" then you are experiencing ICE negotiation issues. You will most likely become aware of ICE negotiation issues by seeing related error events in the transfer log for your job on the Activity page on the Globus Web App.
Example ICE Negotiation Error
Error (session setup)
Server: Globus Connect
Command: SITE UPRT 8JLg tb4UM/hvXl+OAV1E6KLWiw 1,2013266431,,52324,
host 2,2013266431,,52320,host 3,2013266431,,48542,host 4,
Message: Fatal FTP response
Details: 500 globus_xio: ICE negotiation failed.
"ICE negotiation failed" refers to Globus Connect Personal’s use of the STUN and ICE protocols to do "NAT hole punching". These are protocols for traversing a NAT device, typically something like a home router, and establishing peer-to-peer connections between two Globus Connect Personal endpoints.
Some networks are incompatible with these protocols. In particular, if both of the endpoints are behind symmetric NAT, ICE cannot be used to establish connections. If you’re getting errors related to this, it strongly suggests that your network topology does not allow ICE to create a connection between the Globus Connect Personal endpoints you’re using.
Your endpoints should function correctly when used with any Globus Connect Server, including Globus Tutorial Collection 1 and Globus Tutorial Collection 2. That’s because Globus Connect Personal will simply make outbound connections to Globus Connect Server and doesn’t need to try to use ICE.
In order for two Globus Connect Personal Endpoints to connect to one another using ICE, they need to be able to communicate with one another using UDP on ephemeral ports. You can see a detailed document on the ports which are needed by Globus Connect Personal here.
The requirement for Outbound UDP 32768-65535 refers to the use of ephemeral ports.
Transfers between two Globus Connect Personal endpoints require the use of ICE and STUN to be able to work. If one or both of the Globus Connect Personal endpoints involved in such an attempted transfer are on networks that don’t support these protocols, then such transfers will not be possible.
4.3.2. Potential Solutions
Contact your local IT staff to see if they can help you to address the STUN and ICE related issues.
Relocate one or both of the endpoints to networks that support STUN and ICE.
Avoid STUN and ICE related issues by putting your data through an extra hop using a Globus Connect Server endpoint. First transfer from the source personal endpoint to the server endpoint, then from the server endpoint to the destination personal endpoint. If you do this, wait for the first transfer to complete before submitting the second one, or you won’t get a complete data transfer.
4.4. GCP Network Troubleshooting
If you believe you are having firewall or network related issues with your personal endpoint, the following series of steps can help you to better determine the nature and scope of the problem.
4.4.1. Transfer with the Globus Tutorial Endpoint
Test Process
If you were able to successfully complete the set up process for your endpoint, then start here. If not, then skip to the next step immediately.
You’ll first want to attempt to transfer files in both directions between your personal endpoint and the Globus Tutorial Collection. If you are new to the Globus service, the file transfer tutorial will explain how to perform transfers.
Try to transfer a few small files from your personal endpoint to the Globus Tutorial Endpoint
Try to transfer a few small files from the Globus Tutorial Endpoint to your personal endpoint
Users have a 10MB quota on the Tutorial Endpoint, so you’ll want to keep that in mind when doing your test transfers.
Test Succeeds
If you find that transfers to and from your personal endpoint and the Globus Tutorial Endpoint SUCCEED, but you still encounter problems when transferring with a different particular endpoint, then it is likely that the problem is related to that other endpoint. You’ll want to reach out to the support staff for that remote endpoint and ask for their help in resolving the issue. If the admin of that endpoint should require further support, then they can open a ticket with us so that we can work directly with them to resolve the issue.
Test Fails
If either of the above test transfers FAIL, then the issue is likely on the side of your personal endpoint. Go ahead and proceed with the next step.
4.4.2. Temporarily Disable the Host Firewall
Test Process
You’ll next want to try disabling the host firewall on your workstation.
If you were unable to setup/install the Globus Connect Personal software previously when your host firewall was enabled, go ahead and try again when your host firewall is disabled.
If you were unable to conduct transfers with the Globus Tutorial Endpoint previously when your host firewall was enabled, go ahead and try again when your host firewall is disabled.
Test Succeeds
If your attempts SUCCEED when your host firewall is disabled, then you’ll need to configure your host firewall to be consistent with our Globus Connect Personal Firewall Requirements Documentation. You’ll want to reach out to your local IT staff if you need assistance in configuring your host firewall.
Test Fails
If your attempts still FAIL then go ahead and proceed with the next step.
4.4.3. Attempt to Create a New Endpoint on a Different Workstation on the Same Network
Test Process
If possible, go ahead and attempt to setup a new personal endpoint on a different workstation at the same location/network as the workstation you are having trouble with is located. If the setup attempt succeeds, then go ahead and attempt to transfer with the Globus Tutorial Endpoint as well.
Test Succeeds
If you find that you now SUCCEED in setting up the Globus Connect Personal software and conducting transfers when using the personal endpoint on the alternate workstation, then the issue is very likely with the original workstation.
Test Fails
If you find that you still FAIL to be able to setup the Globus Connect Personal software or conduct transfers when using the personal endpoint on the alternate workstation, then go ahead and proceed with the next step.
4.4.4. Attempt to Create a New Endpoint on a Different Workstation on a Different Network
Test Process
If possible, go ahead and attempt to setup a new personal endpoint on a different workstation at a different location/network than the workstation you are having trouble with is located. For example, if the original workstation is located at work, try using a different workstation located at home. If the setup attempt succeeds, then go ahead and attempt to transfer with the Globus Tutorial Endpoint as well.
Test Succeeds
If you find that you now SUCCEED in setting up the Globus Connect Personal software and conducting transfers when using the personal endpoint on the alternate workstation, then the issue is very likely with the original workstation or the network where it is located. You’ll want to reach out to the IT staff at the original location and work with them to get the Globus Connect Personal software working at that location. You’ll want to be sure to mention the Globus Connect Personal Firewall Requirements Documentation to your IT staff when you contact them so they can ensure that policy for any campus firewalls will meet those requirements.
Test Fails
If you find that you still FAIL to be able to setup the Globus Connect Personal software or conduct transfers when using the personal endpoint on the alternate workstation, then go ahead and open a support ticket with us so we can help you look into things further.
Appendix A: Obtaining Debug Logs
When troubleshooting an issue, it can often be helpful to obtain debug log events from the Globus Connect Personal software. The following steps will explain how to gather such log events in the context of a Globus Support ticket.
A.1. Windows
First be sure to exit out of the Globus Connect Personal (GCP) software. The GCP software needs to be started from scratch in a special way for the debug log events to be properly gathered.
In Windows File Explorer, browse to the
%localappdata%\Globus Connect\log\
directory and delete the contents, but not the actual directory itself. -
Start the GCP software by using the
Globus Connect Personal (Debug)
item in your Window’s Start Menu. -
At this point, you can take whatever steps Globus Support has instructed you to take so as to capture the debug log events of interest.
After having generated the debug log events, go ahead and exit out of the GCP software again.
Finally, go ahead and put the contents of the
%localappdata%\Globus Connect\log\
directory into a .zip file and sent it to Globus Support, along with the contents of the%localappdata%\Globus Connect\client-id.txt
A.2. Mac
First be sure to exit out of the Globus Connect Personal (GCP) software. The GCP software needs to be started from scratch in a special way for the debug log events to be properly gathered.
Open a terminal window and start GCP with this command:
$ export GCP_FTP_DEBUG=1; "/Applications/Globus Connect Connect Personal" &> gcp-debug.log
If you didn’t install GCP to your
directory, then you’ll need to edit the path in the above command to point to your install location. -
At this point, you can take whatever steps Globus Support has instructed you to take so as to capture the debug log events of interest.
After having generated the debug log events, go ahead and exit out of the GCP software by entering CONTROL-C in the terminal window.
Finally, go ahead and send the
file to Globus support, along with a copy of your~/.globusonline/lta/client-id.txt
A.3. Linux
First be sure to exit out of the Globus Connect Personal (GCP) software. The GCP software needs to be started from scratch in a special way for the debug log events to be properly gathered.
Open a terminal window,
into your GCP install directory, and then start GCP with this command:$ ./globusconnectpersonal -start -debug &> gcp-debug.log
At this point, you can take whatever steps Globus Support has instructed you to take so as to capture the debug log events of interest.
After having generated the debug log events, go ahead and exit out of the GCP software by entering CONTROL-C in the terminal window.
Finally, go ahead and send the
file to Globus support, along with a copy of your~/.globusonline/lta/client-id.txt
Appendix B: Generating a GCP Setup Key
Generating a GCP Setup Key pre-defines your GCP Endpoint (ie. you will provide the Endpoint Display Name and other attributes during the setup process).
You can generate a GCP Setup Key in one of two ways:
B.1. Using the Globus WebApp
Navigate to the Globus WebApp GCP Setup Key page.
Generate and copy the "Setup key"
Launch GCP on your local workstation
Expand 'Advanced Options'
Click 'I have a setup key'
Paste the setup key copied from Step 2 above into the 'Setup Key' field
Click 'Submit'
B.2. Using the Globus CLI
Generate the GCP Setup Key (Note: You will need to set, or replace, the variables below before executing):
$ globus endpoint create --default-directory ${pathYoudLikeToDefaultTo} --personal ${endpointName}
Launch GCP on your local workstation
Expand 'Advanced Options'
Click 'I have a setup key'
Paste the setup key copied from Step 2 above into the 'Setup Key' field
Click 'Submit'
If you are running GCP on a Linux host, you can complete your GCP setup process by executing the below:
into your GCP install directory -
Start GCP with the below options and arguments:
$ ./globusconnectpersonal -setup --setup-key ${your_setup_key}