List tasks for the current user.
This lists your most recent tasks. The tasks displayed may be filtered by a number of attributes, each with a separate commandline option.
Limit number of results. [default: 10]
task UUID to filter by. This option can be used multiple times.
Filter results to only TRANSFER or DELETE tasks.
Task status to filter results by. This option can be used multiple times.
Filter results to task whose label matches pattern. This option can be used multiple times.
Filter not results whose label matches pattern. This option can be used multiple times.
- --inexact / --exact
Allows / disallows --filter-label and --filter-not-label to use '*' as a wild-card character and ignore case
Filter results to tasks that were requested after given time.
Filter results to tasks that were requested before given time.
Filter results to tasks that were completed after given time.
Filter results to tasks that were completed before given time.
- -v, --verbose
Control level of output, make it more verbose.
- --quiet
Suppress non-essential output. This is higher precedence than
. - -h, --help
Show this message and exit.
-F, --format
Output format for stdout. Defaults to text.
--jmespath, --jq
A JMESPath expression to apply to json output. Forces the format to be json processed by this expression.
Map HTTP statuses to any of these exit codes: 0,1,50-99. e.g. "404=50,403=51"
When text output is requested, the following fields are used:
'Task ID'
'Source Display Name'
'Dest Display Name'
List results in a text table:
$ globus task list
List the first 100 tasks which were completed between May 2015 and July 2015, but whose labels aren’t the exact string 'autolabel':
$ globus task list --limit 100 --filter-completed-after 2015-05-01 --filter-completed-before 2015-07-30 --filter-not-label 'autolabel' --exact
List active transfers in a tabular format suitable for consumption by unix tools:
$ globus task list --format unix --jmespath 'DATA[?status==`ACTIVE`].[task_id, source_endpoint_id, destination_endpoint_id, label]'
Cancel all tasks with expired credentials:
# careful: do not quote this output, but instead rely on the shell's
# word-splitting for this for-loop
for id in $(globus task list --filter-status=INACTIVE --format=UNIX --jmespath='DATA[*].task_id'); do
globus task cancel $id
Print out task statuses with links to their pages in the web UI:
globus task list --format=unix --jmespath='DATA[*].[task_id, status]' | awk '{printf "Task %s is currently %s
", $1, $2;
printf "View at
", $1}'
0 on success.
1 if a network or server error occurred, unless --map-http-status has been used to change exit behavior on http error codes.
2 if the command was used improperly.
3 if the command was used on the wrong type of object, e.g. a collection command used on an endpoint.
4 if the command has authentication or authorization requirements which were not met, as in ConsentRequired errors or missing logins.