Transfer Action Provider: Make Directory
Synchronous / Asynchronous: Synchronous
The Make Directory action provider uses the Globus Transfer API’s Make Directory resource to create a new directory on an endpoint. The input is simply the id for endpoint where the directory will be created and the path on the endpoint to the directory to be created.
"endpoint_id": "6c54cade-bde5-45c1-bdea-f4bd71dba2cc",
"path": "/~/new_folder"
"action_id": "ig58Jabcdefghi",
"completion_time": "2023-06-28 15:42:52.434871+00:00",
"creator_id": "urn:globus:auth:identity:12341234-abcd-abcd-abcd-123412341234",
"details": {
"DATA_TYPE": "mkdir_result",
"code": "DirectoryCreated",
"message": "The directory was created successfully",
"request_id": "BaT9LmWZc",
"resource": "/operation/endpoint/6c54cade-bde5-45c1-bdea-f4bd71dba2cc/mkdir"
"display_status": "SUCCEEDED",
"label": null,
"manage_by": [],
"monitor_by": [],
"release_after": "P30D",
"start_time": "2023-06-28 15:42:51.005049+00:00",
"status": "SUCCEEDED"
"__COMMENT": "The mkdir result will be found at `$.mkdir_result.status`",
"mkdir": {
"Type": "Action",
"ActionUrl": "",
"Parameters": {
"endpoint_id.$": "$.endpoint_id",
"path.$": "$.path"
"ResultPath": "$.mkdir_result"