Hosted Action Providers
Globus provides and operates a number of action providers which may be invoked directly or used within flows. Below is a brief summary of the action providers being operated including specific information on their URLs, scopes, and a summary of their functionality. Specific input specifications are not provided as they may be retrieved from the action provider directly via introspection, e.g.:
curl '' | jq '.input_schema'
Or simply click on the URL to view the introspection results in a browser.
Globus Flows Action Providers
The following Action Providers are run as part of the Globus Flows service.
- Hello World
A simple Action Provider for testing purposes
- Search - Ingest Task
Using the Globus Search API, submit and monitor an Ingest Task
- Search - Delete Task
Using the Globus Search API, submit and monitor a Delete-By-Subject or Delete-By-Query Task
- Send Notification Email
Using credentials sent to this Action Provider, send an email
- Wait For User Selection
Provide a set of options and wait for the flow runner to select one of those options
- Expression Evaluation
Evaluate a programmatic expression using a restricted language
- DataCite Mint
Create a new DOI using the DataCite API
Other Action Providers
Base URL:
Synchronous / Asynchronous: Asynchronous
Globus Compute supports an asynchronous action provider to provide access via the Globus automation platform. More details can be found in the Compute documentation.
Note that the previous funcX Action Provider hosted at
has been deprecated and will only be supported for a limited time.
Base URL:
Synchronous / Asynchronous: Both
Globus Transfer offers several action providers for use within the Flows service. More details can be found in the Transfer action provider documentation.
Action providers for the Transfer service were previously hosted at
These action providers are deprecated, and flow authors are encouraged to migrate to the new Transfer action providers. A migration guide is available to assist with migration.